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Moti Jyotish

A place to provide remedies and solutions for all sort of Astrological concerns .

Our mission is to help the human kind to have happy and comfortable life by solving astrological problems through remedies.

Astrology is the cosmic language of the that helps us make sense of the world unfolding both outside, as well as inside of us. It helps us understand the intentions our soul comes with into this lifetime, fulfil our potential, navigate life’s challenges, find our mission and purpose. Astrology empowers us to make better informed choices and is our ally in the task of creating the future.
Moti jyotish has started in year 2018 and providing the solutions for all the areas of concerns in individual and family life like marriage, career, finances. We also provided guidance before taking major steps in life. We provide authenticated and simple remedies which can be done by all. We deal in all aspects of life and can suggest temples, poojas and rituals which every one can do.
